Your feedback is important to us.

Please take a moment to fill out our Annual Performance Survey

Whether you subscribe to our information and updates, participate in our Agricultural Excellence Conference, Agriwebinar program, National Farm Leadership Program, have heard us speak at industry events, use our research, or have taken part in any of our other programs and services, your feedback is important.

Your feedback helps us continue to deliver relevant and effective programming for farms and farmers of all types across Canada, while demonstrating the value of investing in farm business management to our funders and supporters.

How have we helped you?
How can we do better?

Help us to help you.

As a thank-you for filling our survey, you are eligible to enter our draw to win 2 free registrations to our online 2020 Agricultural Excellence Conference: Prosperity with Purpose December 8-10.



Follow this link to begin the survey:

The survey closes on May 15th at 5 p.m. ET.